Bra stains may be a health clue

In addition to breastfeeding and washing your bra with the wrong color or deodorant stains you have not noticed gray, brown spots, or white, yellow or green sticky, and maybe even the blood inside the bra cup, usually round, concentrated around the nipple Will the place be in contact with the fabric? If so, these strange marks should not be ignored. These are actually physical signs that may tell you important information about your health.

Gray or brown stains are said to be the most common type of stain inside the bra, usually due to the release of normal oil from small pipes in the nipple. The breast is filled with glands and lymphoid tissue, ending in the small opening of the nipple; small Montgomery nodule holes can be found around the areola, which can release an oil to moisturize the nipple and protect the nipple during breastfeeding; in addition to breastfeeding, areola and The nipple may still expel a small amount and may accumulate in the bra cup.

Excess toxins excreted in the body through the lymphatic system may be indicated by gray/brown plaques on the inside of the bra. Studies have shown that breast tissue is sensitive to environmental factors such as pollutants and chemicals, can be prevented by using natural products at home, and promotes detoxification through diet and supplements.

A clean or yellow liquid may accumulate in the nipple catheter and spontaneously expel every few days, which may be a sign of hormonal changes or small growth within the catheter; if found, it should be brought to the attention of the healthcare provider.

Some women between the ages of 30 and 40, especially those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, may have thick white or green liquids when they are touched or squeezed. Usually this fluid is normal, but it should be observed that if there are other abnormalities in the breast or nipple, it is recommended to seek advice from a health care professional.

Sometimes the flaky film on the nipple surface is normal and can form and wash away during showering, which may leave some film in the bra, which may be caused by oil and sweat.

Spontaneous discharge is not just a dark part of the inside of the bra. It may be a problem, but if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or recently weaned babies, if not from known infections or other existing conditions, this may not be the case, it is absolutely It is worthwhile to talk to the doctor about any excreta found in the bra cup or on the chest itself.

Especially if only one breast is discharged or has any blood. When the nipple naturally releases liquid, it is usually an unusual sign. Discuss with your doctor about non-cancerous pituitary tumors, hypothyroidism, or blockage of the breast duct. In rare cases, nipple discharge may be a sign of cancer.

During menstruation, the nipple may be painful due to water retention, wearing a sports bra and avoiding the use of steel wire during this period can make things more comfortable. Pain, itchy or inflamed nipples may be a reaction to detergents, fabrics or products; try natural products and breathable textiles. Women over the age of 45 sometimes develop corneal swelling when the duct is enlarged and blocked, and must be treated professionally before infection.

Breast tissue is sensitive, preferably washed only with water. Mild loofah or towel can be used for gentle exfoliation and massage to keep skin healthy and prevent bacteria from getting trapped. If you want to do a lot of powerful activities, such as running, be sure to use a fitted bra to protect them for support.

Bras can be very expensive, especially for those of us who are talented, if you want to make these bras as long as possible, they should be careful. It is best to wash hands in cold water with a mild detergent, do not wring them out or squeeze them between towels, and then dry them with the middle part between the cups. Even the favorite bra needs to be washed at least once every few times to prevent residue and stains from building up.

There are other more common reasons for bra dyeing: deodorants containing aluminum can cause discoloration when mixed with sweat. Mixing the colors together during washing also allows the colors to be mixed together. Ultraviolet light can also damage delicate fabrics. Hair can be dyed when rinsed. If you have kids or pets, they can even try to get your bra and use it as a toy.

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