Cuba: Reborn fifteen Womens Sexy Dresses

Womens Sexy Dresses

The Havana era – Gray reinforces stitches on new clothes to fit the waistline of many young girls. While examining her work, she touched the detail of the embroidery tape that once decorated the best underwear. She admires the harmony of her perfect work made from pieces.

“I have a special passion for the era of clothing, which is what most Cubans wear when we are 15 years old, custom high fashion, fortunately, it is still an active tradition, I am these beautiful artifacts Health, the material I collected. ”

She grows between the needle and the thread spool. “All the women in my house are sewn,” said the young woman artisser proudly. She learned the art of sewing from mother. “I wanted to learn it, but I learned it myself.”

At the age of 21, Gray has the exquisite production skills to make a Womens Sexy Dresses that is destined to hang on a hanger during the Pulitas photo shoot: “My daughter is turning five and she makes me a princess Dress as a gift. My first job was when I was 16, and for me, even today, the hardest thing is to visualize the dress, I do not use paper or sketches , The spirit of the design.Fashion magazines and photos I see online, but one thing is for sure, each of my dress is exclusive, no one is the same.

Recycling is Gray’s soul. She has a special gift to change the outdated. “I recycle because I need it,” she clarified. “In general, there is a shortage of stone and bead jewelery in our market and it’s hard to find them in hard currency stores, and sometimes we bought a few meters of satin or other fabric when we took them out.”
Womens Sexy Dresses

Finding, sorting out and breaking down used clothes is a necessary job for the fashion designer: “I found a lot in the old clothes market, I just bought a piece of clothing for the fasteners, and I put them Resources have adapted to them. I will buy some clothes for others, others for me, you can not imagine the very old clothes, jackets, dresses, skirts, … shirts that I have separated, all better than my grandmother When I saw the complexity of fashion in the past, I loved to see and learn, and everything is less complicated now. ”

Every night, Gray transformed her living room into her sewing workshop. She moved the furniture to the side and covered the floor with the clothes she needed. “I started sewing around 8 am, just as I did in elementary and junior high in the afternoon, it took 20 days to complete a complete piece of work, which is a very detailed and artistic exercise.”

“I am renting my clothes to a photo studio and I get the most from them and I also sell them sequentially, and the maximum number of pieces I can ask for is 100 CUC. If you compare the time invested in each piece, You will find that the money I make from selling clothes is not enough to make a fortune, so I’d rather rent them out. My dresses are much cheaper for photographers. If you order abroad, they can charge up to very cheap clothing abroad. Up to 300 CUC, there are few stores in Cuba where you can buy these garments, which is my advantage. ”

According to self-employed photographer Mercedes Lorenzo, Gray’s Womens Sexy Dresses is in no way inferior to the original one. “Meeting the demands of girls under 15 is a more and more expensive challenge for studio photography, and they do not want to wear other people’s clothes and always buy new accessories and dresses that we can not afford You can get these gowns in no place, and you have to pay too much for the market in “machinations.” They’re taken from Panama, Guyana, Mexico, but they’re really expensive and gray lets you have Opportunity to Change Just as the girls said, they have been “burned” and at reasonable prices, and they are signature works that are never the same.

The demand is growing every day. However, the young woman could not accept all of her orders: “I dreamed of having my own studio and had all the necessary conditions for sewing large, but that did not depend on me, and first I needed a market where it was I can buy the materials I need at a reasonable price: fabrics, accessories, gems, sequins, fasteners and more, and at the same time I make a living by recycling.

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